hemp in fall colors
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Hemp Harvest 2023

Harvest time is when all the hard work through the growing season comes to fruition. After dodging Hurricane Lee early in September, the hemp plants soldiered on through the rest of September and ripened quickly. Hemp harvest 2023 began in late September and continued through the first weeks of October. This year was unusually warm…

hemp growing in fall colors

Harvest Report

It’s hemp harvest time at Bald Mountain Botanicals! We had a great year in 2022 all in all and the plants are looking just fantastic. Big plump flowers ripening in the autumn sun–the highlight of the year when all the hard work pays off. Other than about 6 weeks of drought in the second half…

hemp plants hanging after harvest

Hemp Harvest Update

We’re over a week into the harvest and things are going great–weather’s been a little challenging with some cold rain and a fair bit of wind but we’ve been able to work around that. Not a week too soon, either, as we’re starting to get those cold October rains and heavy winds that give every…

Cherry Wine hemp flowers ripening

Harvest Time

This is it…the climax of the season, when we reap the rewards of 6 months of hard work, prayers, and a little luck. The hemp flowers are ripe and bursting with delightfully fragrant terpenes and many leaves are yellow, red, or purple and starting to die. Yesterday just before daybreak was a chilly 37 degrees…