freshly transplanted Cherry Wine hemp plant
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Summer Solstice Hemp Report

Most of the hemp seedlings have been transplanted from their nursery pots into their final homes in the ground. With summer solstice coming up this week, everything is right on schedule. The young plants were just starting to outgrow their pots so they’re very happy to be in the earth now where their roots can…

hemp in fall colors
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Hemp Harvest 2023

Harvest time is when all the hard work through the growing season comes to fruition. After dodging Hurricane Lee early in September, the hemp plants soldiered on through the rest of September and ripened quickly. Hemp harvest 2023 began in late September and continued through the first weeks of October. This year was unusually warm…

hemp plant in vegetative phase
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Hemp’s Vegetative Phase

It’s mid-July here in Maine, the last of the hemp seedlings were transplanted in June, and now the quick-growing plants really start to bulk up. Known as the “vegetative phase,” this is when these hardy annuals produce abundant foliage and branches prior to the “flowering phase” triggered by the longer nights. In Maine that usually…

organic CBD oil
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Is Organic CBD Oil Better?

As an organic hemp grower and processor, I’m sometimes asked: why bother doing everything organically? Is organic CBD oil better than conventional? That’s a fair question. After all, it’s not always clear what “organic” means or how it really makes a difference. And because there’s so much marketing hype around CBD, it’s tempting to dismiss…

CBD cocoa
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CBD Cocoa

Here’s a decadent dessert drink perfect for chilly winter evenings–homemade CBD cocoa with fresh whipped cream. This hot chocolate treat is a great way to administer your CBD dose by adding CBD oil or tincture to the cocoa just before serving (see our dosing guide). In the video below Ed shares his special methods for…