Cherry Wine hemp flowers ripening

Harvest Time

This is it…the climax of the season, when we reap the rewards of 6 months of hard work, prayers, and a little luck. The hemp flowers are ripe and bursting with delightfully fragrant terpenes and many leaves are yellow, red, or purple and starting to die. Yesterday just before daybreak was a chilly 37 degrees…

ladybug on hemp leaf

Controlling Pests Organically

It goes without saying that spraying pesticides is a big no-no in organic farming. Instead, we rely on natural means of controlling pests like ladybugs and birds. Ladybugs are great for preventing outbreaks of destructive critters such as aphids. Some hemp growers actually buy and release ladybugs in their fields, but we’ve found they seem…

raindrops on hemp plant


After weeks and weeks of drought we finally got a soaking rain–what a relief! It was only 1 -1/2″ but that’s a lot more than we’ve had in a long time. The plants were very happy. I’ve been irrigating during the drought but there’s no substitute for a nice steady rainfall. The brook is no…

anti-inflammatory smoothie

Anti-inflammatory Smoothie Recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes Servings: 4 10 oz. servings Ingredients Here’s a quick, easy, delicious smoothie you can make that’s packed full of anti-inflammatory compounds. It’s a great way to start your day in the morning, makes a terrific dessert after supper, or works well as an energizing snack. Berries are among nature’s most powerful…


Irrigating Hemp

Hardy as hemp is, these resilient plants still require a regular supply of water to stay strong and healthy. Ideally Mother Nature takes care of this need by delivering a good soaking rain every week or so but as any farmer knows that’s never a given. Here in Maine right now things are definitely getting…